2014년 2월 28일 금요일

Korean style Square medium Bob + Volume rebonding

Square medium Bob + Volume rebonding

20140226_153345 20140226_153353 20140226_153322

This is the style which is the most famous among the korean women
 Square medium Bob + Volume rebonding is for a one who gets a curly hair or messy hair.
Especially,  A person who has to go to work every early in the morning

( before cutting )

she was looking for a style which is easy maintaining one, That is why  allways make her got rebonding.
And she said that she doesn't want to spend much time for managing her hair every in the mornging
As you see the picture,  the hair length  which is around  sholder line is not easy to manage by her self
So I suggested her  cut her hair lenth off  just above shoulder length

( after cuttin her  )
She just got hair cut .
um.. it looks too straight,  need more volume on her hair.

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( just done 1st step)

This is the most important step for perming .
It took about 30 minute to make her hair soft
Don't forget spray PH balance controller !!

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(  processes for volume rebonding)
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( processes for making volume on the roots)
This is the process for making a shape,  normaly it taks 1 and half hours.
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(Korean style Square medium Bob + Volume rebonding)
It took almost 4hours to have it done 
No blow bry, no brush !!
Just apply  a hair essence !!

Korea's new generation of hair stayling 
Yoojean 's hair salon !!

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